
Bring your wishes to fly
Make you feel like home
Ready for departure…
Pay attention to the details


New adress : Headquarters

2 rue de Save

Phone +33 (0)9 72 52 07 65
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CEO & founder CVE Cabin Safety & Systems « France is the land of a unique and invaluable treasure : our craftsmen and our know-how.



PE Seb


Our long-term experience has brought us to Excellence in the VIP and luxury business. Express your imagination and let our designers’ model high-quality layouts, furniture, structure or systems. KES provides customized services based on the customers’ needs and on shared knowledge in order to offer a 3D product that fully suits YOUR imagination. Thanks to several years of experience, KES’ main strength compared to other engineering companies is our great knowledge of aircrafts, primary systems like air-conditioning, plumbing, oxygen, electricity… and most of all a profound knowledge of our customers’ expectations ».

Sébastien KUBLER


We are an engineering company specialized in the VIP business with a substantial expertise in VIP aircraft modification, completion and refurbishment. We can help to define with our industrial and DOA partners, KES can propose full package, including certification approval.


K r e a t i v e   E n g i n e e r i n g   S e r v i c e s



 « K.E.S. s'engage à ce que la collecte et le traitement de vos données, soient conformes au règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) et à la loi Informatique et Libertés. »

 Engineer YOUR Desires